
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Mr hayes

Our class helped Mr hayes by making him cards and giving him things from home. We also had a bake sale and raised $200 dollars for him

new playground

Last month we got a new playground for our school. It is a wonderful playground there is enough room for everyone and it is fun to play on:)

maori poem

RotaRota poem


Runga rawa






My Life as a Soldier

The blazing hot fire bursting into the smoky grey sky.

The horrifying, disgusting blood from the rotting dead bodies.

The loud piercing bombs that drop a few  metres ahead of me.

The sharp, brown bullet as it fires into my body.

The grey burning smoke that gushing through my
mouth like a waterfall.

I think I will be extremely lucky to make it out alive.

Olivia Krebs